The Pisgah Church, also known as Christ Faith Mission, began in 1895 and included eleven historic structures that housed Reverend Finis E. Yoakum and his followers. Pisgah has been a continuous part of the Highland Park community, at times serving the homeless and always a way station for its followers. A few years ago it was decided to rehabilitate Pisgah Village and create 47 units of quality, affordable housing. By using irregular massing, low-pitched roofs and the addition of front porches, the new housing blends in well with the neighboring structures and still allows the Pisgah Home to maintain dominance on the site. The new buildings are not only respectful of the existing architectural integrity, but are sensitive to the environment by using finishes and materials that are eco-friendly. In keeping with the historic layout of the property, a lovely, new courtyard was created for the residents and an existing courtyard shaded by a large California Oak was retained. The use of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties allowed Pisgah Village to be listed as a National Register Historic District. The tremendous amount of time and energy that went into the project and its sensitivity to the historic fabric is truly commendable and well deserving of the 209-2010 award.