HPHT Needs Your Help: Public Comments at HPOZ Hearing on 2/9

We here at HPHT are once again calling on you, our dedicated community, to help us with a huge undertaking:
We need as many people as possible to turn out for public comment at the Highland Park/Garvanza HPOZ Hearing to hold developers and our City accountable to follow the guidelines for building in our historic Highland Park/Garvanza.
Our HPOZ board needs to hear from you* that both the City of LA and Developers must follow the Preservation Plan and the will of the community.


Tuesday, Feb 9th, 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Webinar:
Password: 963462


There’s a large multi-unit development planned for the parking lot adjacent to our local Rite Aid on York/Ave 64. The community needs to make sure the development is held to the standards set forth by our local HPOZ. The current project plans don’t meet HPOZ Preservation Plan guidelines.


The site has also been misclassified as Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC), when it does not meet the criteria for a TOC designation. Such a misclassification by our local government presents a serious problem, as it gives the developer authorization to construct a larger building or receive incentives, despite the site not meeting the criteria to allow this. The community must ask for accountability and compliance with the regulations that exist as a TOC designation can affect the design of the building within our HPOZ.

Turn out and let your voice be heard! You’ll have 1 minute to speak.

Once again, we thank you for all that you do to support NELA and our organization, and we look forward to your attendance at this HPOZ meeting.

*Please note: The HPOZ can only address design issues and compatibility with the Preservation Plan. They can’t act on any issues besides design and compatibility with the Preservation Plan. Their role in the process is not to stop a project. 

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Highland Park Heritage Trust

Highland Park Heritage Trust